Welcome on the home-page of 5th Dimension !
A fifth dimension - what shall that be, what is the matter ? Aside from the known four- dimensional space-time-continuum of general relativity another dimension ? Can it be observed? What are the consequences?
These are the questions, which are investigated here.
As always, when fundamentals of physics are concerned, the outcome affects not only physicists, but all civilizations: |
- The content of physics concernes to phyicists, the aftermath affects all.
- What concernes all, can only be solved by all.
- Each individual attempt to solve isolated, what concerns all, must fail.
- In the paradoxical appers the real.
- Who confronts with the paradoxical, exposes oneself with reality.
(Points 16 - 20 from “21 Punkte zu den Physikern” by Friedrich Dürrenmatt) |
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